Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lovely Little Ladies Boutique Model Search

I'm on the search for three site models for 2011... this job comes with many benefits, but you have to be able to do the job, well your adorable little one does lol, with the help of you taking her photo! To enter you will need to send a picture to put in an album and then people will vote for the picture they like most. (Each "like" will be one vote!) So, feel free to send friends and family to my page to vote!

The winner will recieve free, yes FREE, items in the mail. If your child is chosen to be the model you will need to take pictures of your little one wearing the items you recieve so everyone can see how they look when worn. Winners will also recieve many discounts!

Ages I am needing

Age - 0-2 years

Age - 2-4 years

Age - 4-6 years

( You must be a fan of my page on facebook!)


Voting will begin on November 30th and will end December 20th.

Until November 30th I will take entries.


If interested please fill out the entry form below and send it to my Email( You can use the Contact us tab if you want.



Entry Form:


Your Name:

Child's Name :

Child's Age:

Also send a picture of your child. (this will be the one submited for voting)


Thank you!



  1. Thank you so much for following. I am follow back. I do have a little girl and will be submitting a photo soon.
    Tiffany @ Wyatt Family Farm

  2. Would you believe me if I tell you that I know no moms with baby girls?! Either our friends are childless or they have boys! BIL's wife will be having a baby girl in December...good luck though!

    From PDX with Love


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